Wednesday, June 25, 2014

"Day One" by Kaitlynn

What a great beginning to a what will be a wonderful week! One of the most amazing things I have ever witnessed was Time Square lit up tonight. Ever since I was little I have been dreaming about being a big star in New York and even just seeing all of the blinking lights on broadway. After a solumn afternoon we headed from the 9/11 memorial to Katz's deli. Afterwords we headed onto the bus and drove around Times Square. As we approached the music on the bus was playing and everyone was singing. This set the perfect mood for when we turned a corner and saw the iconic signs that lite up the night like stars shimmering everywhere. Everyone was amazed at the sight and I can understand why. Ever since we were little we have grown up watching the ball drop on New Years Eve and seeing famous people being interviewed with the twinkles in the background. All of us had been wondering what it would be like to see in the flesh and it was more than anyone could have imagined. When looking out the bus window I looked out and then looked up. The buildings can't even begin to be shown in their full glory on the television or computer screens. The signs and roofs soared above our heads melting into the sky as the lights became undistinguishable from the stars. After we had driven through all of that section of town we drove onto a bridge on which we were treated to a spectacular view of the skyline. If only pictures could do it justice... Just as we began to think that the lights and excitment of the night were over we looked up to see a spectacular display of spinning color. A Ferris wheel stood tall in front of metlife stadium in New Jersey. Other rides brightened up the skyline and faded away as we drove towards the hotel making it a perfect ending to what is the beginning of a series of brand new adventures.

1 comment:

  1. Your descriptions make us feel and see the excitement! Great post.
